Guggenheim LAB

The video “How to make Public Space More Public” chronicles three public space projects by Bureau Detours realized in 2011 and 2012. The projects were chosen because of their different connection to the theme of ‘Non-Expert’. The online exhibition was a part of Guggenheim LAB’s 100 Urban Trends project.


Pimp Your Wilderness, was about leading by example. By transforming a run-down urban space into a park, we involved local residents in taking care of their city.


ÆØAA was a workshop where we taught children about public space by teaching them how to build furniture (benches, swings, flower pots, etc.) and use it to make a neighborhood nicer.


The video concludes with Road Research, a project where roads are transformed temporarily into public spaces. By closing off streets we enabled inhabitants to experience their neighborhood and interact with each other in new ways.



October 2013

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